Students: Honor Pledge

Upon application to NATI ESL, each student will be asked to sign the Honor Pledge, a copy of which may also be found in each course syllabus. The Honor Pledge will remain in the student’s file until such time as he or she graduates, completes his or her program of study, terminates enrollment, or is administratively withdrawn from NATI ESL.

The Honor Pledge reads as follows:

I have read the NATI ESL Honor Code. I pledge to uphold the Honor Code at NATI ESL, and I recognize I am expected to

  • Respect others at all times.
  • Avoid offensive comments and behaviors.
  • Help and encourage others within the NATI ESL community
  • Respect the confidentiality and privacy of others.
  • Respect the property of others.
  • Use information ethically and responsibly
  • Avoid behaviors that distract others within the learning environment
  • Avoid behaviors that create an unsafe learning environment
  • Be proud of who we are and what we do.

I have read and understand NATI ESL Academic Integrity Policy. I promise to

  • Conduct myself with integrity in the submission of all academic work to NATI ESL
  • Not give or receive unauthorized assistance for the completion of assignments, research papers, examinations, or other work.

I understand that

  • Violations of the NATI ESL Honor Code will lead to disciplinary action against me, up to and including suspension or expulsion from NATI ESL.
  • All students play a role in preserving the integrity of NATI ESL and have an obligation to report violations of the NATI ESL Honor Code committed by other students.


Name (Signed) _______________________ Date ________________

Name (Printed) _______________________

Any student who, upon application to NATI ESL, refuses to sign the Honor Pledge must submit an explanation in writing that will be reviewed by a designated NATI ESL staff member.  If the staff member does not accept the student’s explanation, the student will not be permitted to enroll at NATI ESL.