All students have access to these free tutoring services— whether they are taking classes on campus or via distance education/online. Tutoring services are provided by either full-time or part-time instructors with a strong background in the subject area in which they are tutoring. Campus-based tutoring schedules vary slightly, but typically tutoring services are available Monday through Friday in the late afternoon and occasionally on Saturday mornings in order to accommodate the needs of our adult student body. To participate in campus tutoring, students can either make an appointment or drop in. Students should check with their Academics Office for a tutoring schedule and information on how to schedule an appointment. Instructors may also make referrals for students to receive tutoring. In such cases, the instructor will complete a “Tutoring Referral – Student Confirmation” form so that the student understands the purpose of the referral. For all tutorial sessions, the student should come prepared by bringing course materials, having tried to do the required course reading and/or homework, and having formed specific questions for the tutor. Tutors will provide feedback to course instructors on topics covered in individual sessions. Although the instructor is always the first person the student should turn to for further clarification or assistance, a tutor can provide additional one-on-one assistance to help in reaching educational goals.
Tutorial Services
Tutoring is only offered in subject areas such as English, accounting, and computer information systems.