Cutting Class

Hours lost due to cutting class will be recorded as unexcused absences. Absences from scheduled exams without notifying the instructor before the scheduled exam time will also be considered as unexcused absences.

Hours lost due to cutting class will be recorded as unexcused absences. Absences from scheduled exams without notifying the instructor before the scheduled exam time will also be considered as unexcused absences. Therefore, the student is responsible for making up the lost time, classwork and assignments. Time and lessons missed must be made up to meet the minimum attendance and graduation requirements. Students will need to meet with the Attendance Officer before they can return to class.

Students exiting NATI ESL, campus building, during class and instructional time, are required to sign out upon leaving and back in upon their return. This includes breaks and lunches. Students not signing out/in on both the general attendance sheet and the individual attendance sheet will be considered cutting class and falsifying attendance records. (See section on Attendance and Sign In Procedures).